Form 1095-C Online is filed and provided to the employee of an Applicable Large Employers (ALE) member who is a full-time employee for one or more months of the calendar. ALE members are required to report that information for all twelve months of the calendar year for each employee. Form 1095-C is used by the employees to report the healthcare coverage offered to them by the employer. The IRS uses the information on it to determine whether the employee or the employer have to pay a fine for failing to meet the healthcare coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Employees receive multiple Forms 1095-C if they work for multiple applicable large employers in the previous calendar year. They may need to submit information from the form(s) as a part of their personal tax filing.

Taxseer ( provides form 1095-C Online Filing options to the filers through the online forms that mimics the actual paper forms. It automatically generates the 1094-C form (Transmittal of Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns) which can be electronically signed by the filer before submission to the IRS system.
5 Easy Steps to e-File Form 1095-C Online
Filers can e-File Form 1095-C easily and securely through Taxseer by following these five easy steps:
Step 1: Create a free account with Taxseer
Create a free account on by just providing your email address and name. It just takes less than a minute to sign up and then you are ready to start filing Form 1095-B & 1094-C.
Step 2: Add the Filer/Payer information
Select the TIN type (EIN or SSN) that will be used for the filer record and enter the TIN information based on the selection. Provide the complete business address and other information including the email address and fax.
Step 3: Add the Recipient/Payee information
Select the TIN type (EIN or SSN) that will be used for the Recipient record and enter the TIN information based on the selection. Provide the complete business address of the recipient and the email address. Email address is important for the recipients using the recipient portal to download the various forms submitted by the filers.
Step 4: Complete the pre-populated form through the online editable form
The filer and recipient are automatically populated on the form and the rest of the information can be manually entered using the editable 1095-C Online Forms. Form 1094-C is automatically generated and the filer can digitally sign it for e-filing with the IRS. The completed form can be confirmed and added to the shopping cart so that all completed forms can be checked out at the same time.
Step 5: Select the service type, pay the service charge, and submit the form for e-filing
Taxseer provides the following three service options for the Form 1095-C e-filing:
- eFile only: In this case, the filer downloads the completed form and mails the recipient copy by itself while Taxseer e-files the form 1095-C & form 1094-C with the IRS system.
- eFile and mail the recipient copy: In this case, Taxseer performs the e-filing of the Form 1095-C & Form 1094-Cwith the IRS system and mails the recipient copy.
- eFile and Recipient portal: In this case, email is sent to the recipient with the link for the form. Recipient logs into the Taxseer’s recipient portal and views and download the Form 1095-C Online submitted by the filer. Taxseer performs the e-filing of the Form 1095-C & Form 1094-C with the IRS system.
Taxseer’s e-Filing responsibility
Taxseer’s automated services will e-file your submitted Form 1095-C & Form 1094-C with the IRS systems and update the result (Accepted or Rejected status) back in Taxseer after it is processed. For any rejection, a detail rejection message will be provided so that the filer can edit the rejected forms and resubmit after correction. Taxseer will maintain the filing history securely on the cloud for at least 7 years and it is accessible 24x7x365 from anywhere.
About Taxseer
Taxseer is a leading IRS-authorized e-file service provider offering you the best cloud-based solutions to perform online filings of Form ACA (1095-B & 1095-C), 1099 MISC, 1099 Series, W-2, 2290, 8849, 8809, W-9 and many more. We provide Wizard-driven e-filing for guided and error-free submissions and extend the security, intelligence, availability, and agility of the tax solution on the cloud. SSL-encrypted connections are used for transferring sensitive information and to provide a very safe environment for clients. As part of our commitment to making e-filing easy and convenient, we are always available.